No.........not for President (that too).....but for
Dr. Widenhouse!
That's right.
We got a note from Alton and Bonnie Widenhouse telling us about a contest that a Charleston, SC magazine is having to determine who is the BEST doctor in their area. The winner will be chosen by online voting.
" ...Our son, Brian, is in a Charleston magazine contest that he first thought was a lark. He has now discovered that the competition is taking this very seriously and have major campaigns going to get votes. his parents, we need to help him make a good showing. Please go to the web site below and vote for Dr. Widenhouse. Brian and all our family will greatly appreciate any votes you can send his way.
...go to for "Charleston's Hottest Doc".
Then scroll down to his photo and vote."
Thanks so much! Best to all, Al and Bonnie Widenhouse
Well, I don't know how many of us have ever needed a Charleston, but if we ever
do, I don't believe there's any doubt that we will choose the one named
So let's all let the people of Charleston know that there's another winner named Widenhouse.....right in their own backyard!!
PS.....I just went to the site to cast my vote.....and just clicking on Dr. Widenhouse's picture doesn't do anything. You have to go up to the top of the page and click on the banner that says, "CAST YOUR VOTE" on the litte box that opens under his picture. You'll know you voted when you do that twice.....and you get an alert that you're only allowed to vote ONCE.
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