Kinda..................Jerry Gaudet our ace reporter has that story:
(Click on pictures to enlarge them)
9/30/07...The completion of the remodeled Central High School building was celebrated with a re-dedication and multi-class reunion held on Sunday, September 30, 2007.
Photo 1 below - About 300 Central High School alumni attended the celebration. The venue was the front lawn of Central Piedmont Community College's Overcash Building, across Elizabeth Avenue from the school (where the Maid used to be).
Photo 2 below - Welcome and Remarks were made by Dr. Tony Zeiss, President of CPCC, Legacy Campaign Co-Chairs Patsy Kinsey, Class of 1959 (the last class) and Jim Beatty, Class of 1953. Jack Claiborne, Class of 1951, brought "The Evolution of the High School". Jim Babb, Class of 1951, gave an update of the Legacy Campaign and introduced Amanda Armstrong, Central High Legacy Fund Scholor for 2007, who expressed her great thanks.
Photo 3 below - Our Assistant Principal, Ed Sanders, was an honored guest. To the left of Mr. Sanders was Betty Cunningham and to the right was his son. Continuing clockwise were Mary Rand Norton Kratt, Jean Willis (Mrs. Charles) and Charlie's ear. Mr. Gault, Piedmont's Principal, and his wife were also in attendance.
Photo 4 below - The celebrants where seated at tables marked by decades (several tables were marked 1950). In addition to those named above, CHS'54 was also represented by Sylvia Arnold Regehr and Jim, Jeanette Berryhill Bryant, Barry Clark's sister, Arlene Higgins, (herself, Class of '59), Pat and Jerry Gaudet, Patsy and Martin Hill, and Anna Lynn Smith-Peterson Kearse. If other CHS'54 classmates were in attendance, they were lost in the crowd.
Photo 5 below - After a countdown, confetti flew and baloons lifted to the heavens amid shouts of celebration.
Photos by Jerry Gaudet
Jerry also found this videof the event on the Charlotte.com website.
Jerry also found this videof the event on the Charlotte.com website.
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