Thursday, July 15, 2010

Medical Report

by Jerry Gaudet

We're so sorry to learn that Karol Broadwell Welch's husband, Bob, is dealing with a tumor in his lung. Karol and Bob are "LDL" regulars and recently we've missed them. Bob was Nancy Gibson Tomlinson's cousin and he had kept us well abreast of Nancy's circumstance.

Excerpts of Karol's email are copied here...

"..In May Bob was treated for pneumonia and as the pneumonia disappeared, a tumor was revealed in his right lung. We spent a total 9 days in the hospital and he had every test you can imagine to determine if it has spread. He is now taking 2, maybe 3 massive treatments of chemotherapy to shrink this tumor. Right now he is completely wiped out and we have 21 days before the next treatment (7-28)...
Doctors tell us it is operable, removing two lobs on right side...
We do look forward to being back with you folks..."

Their contact information is:
Bob and Karol Welch
8326 Viking Drive
Waxhaw, NC 28173


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