"Dear Ed,

My Piedmont team was missing 5 players who had measles and I worried about how I would play against George Powell being so short-handed. However, I need not have worried. George only knew one kind of defense to play..a 2-1-2 zone. Knowing that, and realizing that back in those days teams could hold the ball as long as they wanted to or as long as their opponents let them, I was reminded of that being a favorite play of the Carolina team.

Carson McClain could out jump any of the AG players so we figured on getting the tap, scoring the first basket, and then holding the ball.

“The rules say I don’t have to. If you want the ball come get it.”
The time out cost him a technical foul and that made the score 5-0 and we kept possession. At this point,

“Irv,” George yelled, “if you don’t move the ball we are going home.”
I did not move the ball; George pulled his team off the court; and the referees declared the game forfeited.
Some of the boys probably don’t remember the details as well as I do because, after all, most of them were on the losing side.

So, I went overseas as a corporal. We fought our way up the coast of New Guinea and made the landing at the Lingayen Gulf in the Philippines. At that point, 17 members of our outfit (197th AAA) had earned enough months overseas and combat time so that they got rotated back to their homes in New Hampshire.
My Battery Commander at that point was an Alabama grad. One of the rotated soldiers was our wonderful first sergeant, young, but wise. So I was promoted to acting First Sergeant and for the next several months automatically moved up the ladder to "top-kick." The rest of the war I ran the 197th. When we were staging for the invasion of Japan, the atom bomb was dropped, making about 1 million Americans soldiers happy that we now could get back home alive."
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