Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happinings Continue

This website hasn't seen so much activity in a long, long time!
First, we just celebrated our 55th anniversary with a tremendously successful bash that we're still slowly coming down from......then, the LDL crowd met at Jimmies of Mint Hill for our monthly lunch.

I hope the staff here at the website can keep up with it all!

Jerry Gaudet reports:

24 hearty souls came to lunch just days after our 55th year anniversary celebration. All had been at the Reunion.

Of special note were first-time attendees Jeanette Berryhill Bryant, up from Ocala, FL, and Mary Sue Banks Burnett and her husband, Clyde.

We were all still buzzing about the Reunion...and how fast it went by.

Keep in mind these lunches are being held on the second Tuesday of every month at "Jimmies Restaurant" in Mint Hill. We hope others will come when you can!

(Ed's note.......Don't forget to click on the pictures to enlarge!)

....and this from Shirley Maynor: These pictures were taken Friday, the afternoon of our 55th at Betty Rose Palomba's Girl's lunch.....

(FROM LEFT TO RIGHT...Mamie Goodwin Baucum, Nancy Gibson Tomlinson, Betty Rose Palomba, and Shirley Maynor)

Take a look at the bottom picture. I'm going to suggest that we hold our next reunion at Betty's house.

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