Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Myrtle Beach Fire

Jim Dellinger reports firsthand on the recent fire at Myrtle Beach.

Barefoot Resort - North Myrtle Beach......Just a word to let you know that we have been through what would resemble the firestorm in World War II from the way it affected our neighborhood. We live in Barefoot Resort, the neighborhood affected by the recent wildfire in Myrtle Beach.

Thank God our home was not affected, but we had many neighbors that were. In our community there are about 250 single family dwellings. The recent fires destroyed 70 of those homes, burning them to the ground. Our home was only a 1/4 mile from those that were destroyed. I would appreciate your prayers for those affected.

Jim Dellinger

(My memory may be playing tricks on me, but I seem to recall that on one of our "spring breaks" perhaps it was '53 or 54....we saw some rather extensive "recent" forest fire damage....for miles on either side of the highway leading into Myrtle Beach. But according to the reports I've read, this fire was probably their worst in this century. -Ed)

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